sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

A good way to practice your vocabulary and your level of understanding is reading in English.
Try to read a newspaper or a magazine you like in English, it will helpyou to keep your vocabulary updated , your brain thinking in English, you will get some stuctures and expressions even without knowing it.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Word order in English matters.
It is really important to achieve a communicative and clear message.
Here you have some tips

  1. sentence word order:
      subject + verb + complements

  1. complements order: what + where + when+ others (like the agent subject in passive sentences)
  1. We can have adverbs at the end, at the beginning and in the middle of the sentence. The general rule is:

    • adverbs of time or place may go at the beginning of the sentence with a coma. For example: Yesterday, I arrived late to my English class. There, I found my bag.
    • adverbs of frequency and degree may go just before the verb, or in the middle of the verb if the form is a composed one. For instance: I usually go to sleep late or I just had a few mistakes in the exam.
    • adverbs of manner may go at the end of the sentence. If we have more than one kind of adverbs at the end of the sentence, the order is : manner+ place+ time. For example: I did my exam quickly or My mum cooked the cake beautifully at home yesterday.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Word order in English?
Is it important or you can follow th one you like?

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Los latinos confundimos mucho algunas palabras en inglés porque nos parece que ya conocemos su significado por su falsa similitud con nuestro idioma materno.
Por ejemplo:
parents and relatives.
parents are your mother and father
relatives are people that blong to your family; cousins, grandparents, uncls and ants....
So parents is not the same than "parientes"
or language and idioms
Idioms are sentences that have a full meaning and relate to a know how that belongs to a culture or town: For example:don't cry over spilt milk or quick as a shot.
Language referes to spanish, french, italian....the communication way we use.We may have a mother language and various we learn to communicate with foreighners.

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Para Latino parlantes

-¿que són los false friends?
Investiga y haz una lista de los que alguna vex has estudiado.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014


Practice a little with adjectives.
Spot the error

  • the blue, giant, ugly sea monster swims in the ocean.
  • The skirts red are on fashion
  • intelligents people are feer than other.

An adjective is a word that describes us something about the noun.
Adjectives don't have singular nor plural.
Adjectives do always come before the noun they refer to.Some, a few, come after the verb "to be".
We may use up to three adjectives toether, no more.In that case we follow the order:
  • general+ specific
  • size and shape +color +material